I'm building a book of Yang quotes for posterity and whatnot. Let her future children know what a lame mother they have. xD One would be "Canoegraphy!" and the quote of today is "Raffles ROLL!" Someone was saying that we should be careful lest we roll down that little slope, and she said it. "Not Raffles row, but Raffles ROLL!" I told her, "Go ahead! Do the Raffles Roll and I'll bring roses to the hospital to visit you!" To that, she replied, "RO-ses!" AHHHHHH.
Anyways. AHEM. Hahaha, CANOEING! Yang made LOADS of lame jokes and comments today ahhhhh.
Yang: ...Who's that person whose name sounds like soya sauce? -name shall not be revealed here-
Yang: YAY! I actually remembered the BRAND!
OH MANN. Then later on, we were looking at the birthdays of everyone, and Yang started talking about her birthday.
Yang: *points to JOOHUI'S birthday* Only ONE July! I'm so special!
AHHHHHHH. Yang wants me to put the quote of the day as the banana one, so I shall. In font size 3.
Yang: Banana Boat rocks my boat!
But what happened before was UBER FUNNY. Hahaha. Yang started putting the aloe vera gel on her sunburned skin, so I volunteered to feed her her banana. Only I forgot which way to peel it. >_< Then we were uber high talking about the Banana Boat aloe vera gel and stuff, and Yang SLAPPED HERSELF ON HER SUNBURNED THIGH. PIACKKKK!!! And we stared at her and started screaming with laughter. I tell you, Yang is such a banana. Nevermind.
AHHHHHH. Choir-noe! Courtesy of Yang. xD And then 'cos we were done so quickly with sets, she said, "I think we're going to lose our Astroclub membership, 'cos we're so early."